Sunday, November 28, 2010

Zone Results

A great day was had by all 29 children at Ericsson Stadium today.

With everybody competing and challenging themselves to do their very best we achieved some outstanding results. To reach a semi-final in the sprints a first place had to be achieved. Being placed first, second or third then won a place in the final.

Places gained in finals were

800m 1st Jason
80m 1st Sunny 60m 2nd Sunny
60m 1st Niko
Year 5 relay - girls 1st Sunny, Hannah, Jessica, Jacqueline, Lauren and Tayla
Year 5 relay - boys 2nd Hikaru, Joshua, Nicholas, Ezra, Olwyn and Vita

Field Events
Year 5 High Jump - 2nd Olwyn
Year 6 Long Jump - 1st Jason, 2nd Niko

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Remuera Zone Athletics

Next Monday 29 November we are sending our representatives from Year 5 and 6 to Ericsson Stadium to compete against children from the twenty other schools in our zone.
The children compete in 60 metre, 80 metre and 100 metre sprints. There are year level relays as well as the field events long jump, high jump and ball throw.

Grasshopper Tennis

Many of our Year 3 and 4 students had their first Grasshopper Tennis coaching session today. Trying out our new set of tennis racquets, balls and nets under the guidance of Angela and her team of coaches these children had the first of four lessons.


As I gazed out my window after school this afternoon I was delighted to witness just how many children were part of the Football Coaching. Each week the numbers have grown and to see so much action on the field on such a fine afternoon certainly made me realise we really are achieving our 'Better than Before' goal.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Year 3 - 6 Athletics

What great teams! The two teacher relays were in fine form for their race against the top two Year 6 teams and the parents at the end of the day.

An excellent day of running, jumping and throwing. Look out for more photos of the day.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Year 3 – 6 Athletic Sport

Wednesday 17 November
Boys' Year 3 – 6: Heats start at 9:30
Year Distance
3 60 metres
4 60 metres
5 60 metres
6 60 metres
3 80 metres
4 80 metres
5 80 metres
6 100 metres

Concurrently with sprints
Girls Year 3 & 4 Tabloid on the field
Girls Year 5 & 6 Long jump & Softball throw & High jump

MORNING TEA 10.55 – 11:30

Girls’ Year 3 – 6: Heats starting at 11:30a.m.
Year Distance
3 60 metres
4 60 metres
5 60 metres
6 60 metres
3 80 metres
4 80 metres
5 80 metres
6 100 metres

Concurrently with sprints
Boys Year 3 & 4 Tabloid on the field
Boys Year 5 & 6 Long jump & Softball throw & High Jump

1:40 Afternoon Programme
Sprint finals for Year 3 - 6
Class relays – final relay is one where a parent team is to compete against our top 2 Year 6 teams