Friday, February 24, 2012

Swimming Team

Congratulations to everyone who put themselves forward to trial for our swimming team. Unfortunately not everyone can make the team however all that did showed their competitive spirit.

The team is now selected and the following children will represent us at the Remuera Zone Swimming sports on Tuesday 20 March.
Year 6 girls - Sarah, Anna, Alice, Georgia and Abby
Year 5 girls - Ruby, Anna, Neve and Megan
Year 6 boys - Stephen, Christian, Ben and Jack
Year 5 boys - Jack, Harrison, Ben and Harry

We have three team practices scheduled and all the group are going to be doing some personal training.

Football Kidz

On Friday every child in the school had a half hour session with the coaching staff from Football Kidz. It was a fun, 'feet on' session. There was no charge and we appreciate return Football Kidz will run skills clinic on our school field.

These sessions start on Wednesday 7th March and run for 5 weeks.
The timing is from 3:10 - 3:55p.m. and cost $40 per child.
The children will be organised into age groups.

If you are interested in registering your child payment needs to be forwarded via email to or posted to FKNZ 2/59Francis Street, Hauraki, Auckland, 0662

Weet-Bix Tryathlon

Anyone still interested in entering the tryathlon please return your entry form to Mrs Jamieson in room 26a by Friday 2 March...

Why? Spaces are running out. They can take a limited number of entries.

So far 41 children from school are entered.

Well done and do keep training!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Swimming Trials Update

Many children have responded to the following note which was in our first sport news.
A reminder the last day for returning the notice is Wednesday 15 February.

The Remuera Zone Swimming Sports are to be held in week eight. We send a team to this event to compete against other talented swimmers. It is now time to select our group of children so training can begin. As we do not have swimming lessons at school we require an indication from you as to whether your child should trial for the team. If you know your child is a strong swimmer (a guide would be if he/she can swim 25m freestyle in around 20-25 seconds), please complete and sign the attached form.

If selected your child will be expected to attend some team training sessions before school as well as take the time to do some extra individual practice.

In order to pick the best children to represent us we will have timed races at Cameron Swimming Pool, Mt Roskill on Friday 17 February from 11:45a.m.—12:45p.m

All children will race freestyle, and may also trial in any of the following: backstroke, breast-stroke and butterfly over a 25metre distance. Boys should wear Speedos and all children are encouraged to wear a bathing cap and goggles.

Assistance from parents with transport, timing and supervision would be appreciated.

Please return the completed slip along with $3 pool admission to Jenni Jamieson in Room 26a by Wednesday 15 February.
My child ___________________ who is in Year _____, Room _______ can swim 25 metres freestyle in approximately 20—25 seconds.
He/she would also like to trial for backstroke ____, breast-stroke ____, and / or butterfly______ .
Please tick if you can help with any of the following:
Yes, I can assist with transport leaving Royal Oak at 11:30 _______
Yes, I can assist with transport returning from Cameron Pool at 12:45 _____
Number in car with seatbelts ________
Yes, I can assist with timing _______ or supervision _________
Signed: _________________________ Phone: _________________