Saturday, April 30, 2011

Winter Sport

Are you ready for sport on Tuesday?

The following are the safety requirements and the gear you need to bring depending on the sport you have chosen.

Specific safety requirements:
All sports short fingernails, no earrings or jewellery (including watches), long hair must be tied back.
Netball sport shoes
Rugby mouthguard, barefeet
Soccer sport shoes, shin pads, long socks – (once teams are selected some children will require boots)
Hockey mouthguard, sport shoes, shin pads, long socks

Cross Country Training

Children who expressed interest in before school running took home the following notice at the end of last term - please not if your child wants to be part of this group their reply needs to be back to Jenni Jamieson in Room 28 by Friday.

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

Your child ________________ has expressed an interest in being part of a Year 5/6 group that will do before school cross country training with Scott Vaughan and other parent volunteers two mornings a week. This group will depart from school at 7:30a.m. sharp on a Tuesday and Thursday morning (rain or shine) and will run in the park for 30 + minutes. Children do not have to commit to both sessions however after a few weeks the group will be divided so that the variation in ability is catered for. At this point the numbers of parents required will increase as the needs of the group are catered for – if we don’t have sufficient help some children may be asked to attend the group once a week only.

It is important the children already have an above average fitness level so our suggestion is they run daily over the holidays to build up towards the length of time required.

The running will start next term in the second week on Tuesday 10 May – children who sign up should meet outside the hall at 7:25am dressed appropriately. (i.e. no jeans - track suit pants are okay and a pair of running shoes) As the children will become very hot and possibly also wet and muddy it is important they have a complete change of clothes and a towel to prepare them for the rest of their day. An extra muesli bar (or their breakfast) and water to have once the run is completed will help them refuel for the morning.

It is important that parents understand that this is a local community run activity and does not come under Royal Oak Primary School Outdoor Education. Royal Oak Primary staff are not involved in supervision. Teachers will not be there when the children gather before the run nor will they be running with the group – at that time teachers are preparing for their classes.

I am most grateful to Scott who has volunteered to assemble the group and run with them. He can only do this if he has the support of a group of parents. If you can help by accompanying the children please indicate below. If you would like your child to join the training and feel they can make this commitment please complete the permission slip below.


Jenni Jamieson

Cross Country Training Runs
I understand the supervision that will be available for this training run.

My child ___________________ has permission to run on a Tuesday/Thursday morning and will be at school by 7:25 am
Parent signature: ________________
Contact mobile number (to txt in event of a cancellation): ___________________
Contact email: ________________________________________

I am able to assist by - running with the group Tuesday mornings □ Thursday mornings □
- cycling alongside
Name: ______________________ Phone: __________________________

Please return to Jenni Jamieson – Room 28 by Friday 6 May

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Awesome Colgate Carton Race

We are registered as a school to compete in The Awesome Colgate Carton Race. This means we are competing to win a share of $60,000 worth of new sports gear.
So, please ask everyone you know to give you their Colgate Toothpaste Cartons – then, bring them to school and place in the collection box placed inside the office.
The competition runs until 30 June 2011. You can find out more at

Children should write their name inside any box returned as we will have a lucky draw before we send the cartons in a the end of June.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Winter Sport

Have you remembered to return your tear off slip informing us of what sport you are choosing? It is due on Wednesday.
Do ask your parents if they can help too.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tennis at the Field Day

Our 14 particiapants had a successful if somewhat wet day.

Our Year 6A boys pairing were the runners up in their section.

The Year 6B and Year 5A boys pairs both won their part of the draw.

Unfortunately all the girls and the Year 5B boys were unable to complete their tournament as many schools chose to abandon their games after several heavy showers at lunchtime.


4 teams participated in the Interzone Competition. All teams were in the semi-finals and two teams ended up playing each other. The competition was won by a Kings School Team. It was a fun day and everyone played well. Thank you to our parent supervisors who also had a busy day umpiring and scoring.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Letter re Winter Sport

The start of Term 2 signals the beginning of the Winter Sport programme. This will take place on a Tuesday afternoon with the first session being on Tuesday 3 May. The children have four choices for Tuesday sport – netball, hockey, rugby or soccer. All sports are available to both boys and girls. Once your child has made his or her sport choice the/she will remain with that sport for the season. Specific safety requirements: All sports short fingernails, no earrings or jewellery (including watches), long hair must be tied back. Netball sport shoes Rugby mouthguard, barefeet Soccer sport shoes, shin pads, long socks – (once teams are selected some children will require boots) Hockey mouthguard, sport shoes, shin pads, long socks Throughout the season we alternate between practice/skills sessions amongst ourselves and games against other schools in the zone. When playing other schools, notification is given the week prior via the School Sport Blog and children playing away from school will travel by bus. Uniforms are provided for those playing matches. In order to cover the cost of the buses used during the season we ask that each child please pay $10. To make the experience of playing a winter sport more successful we would appreciate the assistance of parents or friends to improve the adult-pupil ratio, while teaching skills, umpiring and/or supervising. All children/parents must complete and return the following slip to school by Wednesday 13 April please. Regards Jenni Jamieson Sports Co-ordinator Sports Permission Slip ……………………………………..of Room ……… Year …… has chosen to play netball, rugby, hockey, soccer (please circle one) this season. I agree to abide by all the important safety requirements each Tuesday Child’s signature: ……………………………………………. My child has permission to travel by bus to interschool exchanges. $10 is included with this note Yes / No Parent’s signature: ………………………………………….. ………………………….. is able to assist with rugby soccer netball hockey I am able to coach / umpire / help with ball skills. I am able to assist by washing a set of uniforms Yes / No Signed: ……………………………………………………… Phone contact: …………………………………………… Please return this to your class teacher by Wednesday 13 April

Summer Field Day

This Tuesday 5 April some of our Year 5 and 6 children are travelling out of the school to play a variety of sports with the children from other Primary Schools in our zone. We are sending teams to - touch rugby, badminton, tennis, cricket and mod softball. All children travelling will have received notices from the teacher in charge of their sport. Children remaining at school will be involved in a variety of activities during the day - all of which happen within the school grounds. These children are to meet outside the 2-storeyed block at 9:50 to have their programme explained.